Accurate data is necessary to effectively manage fisheries, prioritize salmon enhancement projects, and maximize the use of salmon for subsistence and commercial fishing. NSFR&D operates salmon escapement projects throughout the region with counting towers, weirs, and sonar projects. Knowing how many of each species of salmon enter the region’s streams and rivers allows informed management decisions and ensures that our fish populations persist into the future. This, in turn, provides adequate fish for people’s drying racks and more money in commercial fishers’ wallets.
NSFR&D operates the following enumeration projects:
- North River Tower
- Shaktoolik River Tower/Sonar
- Inglutalik River Tower
- Ungalik River Tower
- Fish River Tower
- Eldorado River Weir
- Snake River Weir
- Pilgrim River Weir
Along with supplying vital information for area fisheries, the enumeration projects also help fulfill NSEDC’s mission of providing economic opportunities within our member communities. Each year, residents are hired as fisheries technicians for each enumeration project.
- Snake River weir
- Boating at Safety Sound
- Flounder friends
- Setting up Eldorado Weir
- Eldorado River
- Eldorado River weir
- Ungalik River tower
- Snake River weir site
- North River counting tower